Filmmaker Bess O'Brien's new documentary, Coming Home, follows the lives of five Vermonters released from jail who enter a CoSA — Circle of Support and Accountability — to help with their transition back into their community. We learn about the program, the film and the lives of those involved in CoSAs.
In previous films, O'Brien has explored the state's opioid crisis in The Hungry Heart and eating disorders in All of Me. She explains what she learned about CoSAs while filming her latest documentary.
O'Brien is joined on the program by Derek Miodownik, community and restorative justice executive for the Vermont Department of Corrections. And we speak with Tara Bent, one of the five CoSA core members profiled in the film, about her experience in the program.
Post your questions or your experiences with a CoSA below or email them to
Broadcast live on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.