What do you want your obituary to say? What details beyond birth, death and the basics are essential to the story of your life? The Brattleboro Area Hospice is holding a workshop encouraging people to think about their life - and to to engage people about aging well, dying well and making plans now for how to spend one's final days.
The workshop is also meant to be an opportunity to bring up difficult discussions about advanced directives, including talking with family, friends and healthcare providers about how you want to be treated when you're potentially too unwell to speak for yourself.
Deborah Lee Luskin, a writer, speaker, educator and commentator, joined Vermont Edition to talk about her workshop, advanced directives and how she helps people tell the story of their lives. Her workshop, Having The Last Word, is Friday, April 27, at noon at the Brattleboro Area Hospice. More information is available on the hospice's website.
Broadcast Monday, April 23, 2018 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.