Town Meeting Day is almost here, and every year the question gets raised: does town meeting still make sense in the modern era? We're looking at how this tradition has changed over time and how it fits with Vermont's democracy today.
Jackson Evans, a farmer and moderator for the town of Braintree, shares his experience as a new town moderator who thinks the tradition is worth preserving.
Susan Smallheer, longtime reporter for the Rutland Herald who's covered Town Meetings for more than 40 years, shares how she's seen meetings evolve, shrink and shift focus over the years.
And David Plazak, a researcher at Northern Vermont University-Johnson, discusses how he and other Vermont researchers and students will be collecting data at town meetings across the state to determine just how democratic they actually are.
Broadcast live on Monday, March 5, 2018 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.