A dear friend has provided you with childcare as you recover from an injury. How do you respond in kind when you can't reciprocate with the same favor and she won't accept money?
When searching for the best way to show your appreciation for your helpful friend, there are many options. Here are a couple of ideas that are tried-and-true and always appropriate:
The simplest notion is to send a thank-you note. Though it may seem non-extravagant, sending your words of gratitude is always welcomed.
You could also think of a small luxury that your friend wouldn't normally do for themselves - like a certificate for a massage - and give them that.
If you want to repay the kindness, make the effort to be her support system if, in the future, she needs a helping hand.
And finally, you can write yourself a note. Jot down a few sentiments about your supportive friend and tack it to a mirror or to the fridge so you'll see it often. That note will remind you of your gratitude and you will be ready to extend that gratitude to her when it is needed most.
For other ideas and tips on how to show your appreciation to a supportive friend, listen to this podcast.