Why is mental health so hard to talk about? If conditions like depression, anxiety, or even schizophrenia can have such massive impacts on people's lives, why can it feel like weakness to get help? We're continuing our week of mental health coverage by focusing in on the stigma around mental health, and how to move past it.
We're joined by David Blistein, author of David's Inferno: My Journey Through the Dark Woods of Depression. And by Rep. Anne Donahue, Republican state legislator from Northfield and a longtime mental health advocate. She's editor of Counterpoint, the newsletter put out by the Vermont Psychiatric Survivors organization.
Also on the program, a Dartmouth psychiatry professor has created an app to help people with mental illness maintain a support network of friends and family. We're talking to Dr. Bill Hudenko about the Proxi app.

This program is part of a weeklong series on Vermont Edition looking at issues related to mental health care and Vermonters' lives. Find more on the "Mental Health Week" series here.Broadcast live on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.
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