Fake Love
By Grace Brouillette
Grade 10, Essex High School
You said
That you would always be
With me,
With me.
But you
Never wanted me,
Not really,
Only wanted to play the game.
But you,
You only wanted me
To be there when you needed me the most.
You only wanted
My presence,
Not my love.
Our love isn’t something I can feel.
It isn’t something I find real.
I used to think that you were mine.
But now I find
That we’re a lie.
You said
That you would stay
With me,
With me.
But you
Always got away
To find
Someone else.
You only wanted
My presence,
Not my love.
Our love isn’t something I can feel.
It isn’t something I find real.
I used to think that you were mine.
But now I find
That we’re a lie.
Who am I to think that you’ll remember my name
The next time I see your face?
Who am I to remember your name
If you don't even matter?
Our love isn’t something I can feel.
It isn’t something I find real.
I used to think that you were mine.
But now I find
That we’re a lie.