Vermont is a pretty dog-friendly state. That’s great for pet-lovers, but can come with some issues as well. We’re looking at the ins, outs and etiquette of dogs in public places.
Where should and shouldn't your pup go with you? What's the best way to manage interactions between dogs, and between your dog and other people?
We’re joined by Susan McMillan, veterinarian and owner of the Old North End Veterinary Clinic and Vet to Pet Mobile Veterinary Service in Burlington. And by Whitney Doremus, a certified dog trainer and owner of Superdogs Positive Pet Training.
Also on the program: the Great Trail, Canada's massive, transcontinental multi-use trail is almost complete. We'll talk about the section in our neck of the woods with Great Trail co-chair Valerie Pringle.
Broadcast live on Monday, September 12, 2016, at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.