As the calendar turns to September, our attention turns to winter squash. Once they're planted, winter squash tend to take care of themselves.
The squash start sizing and coloring up this time of year and due to this year's hot temperatures, it seems pumpkins and winter squash are maturing early. They can stay in the garden until you're ready to harvest. If you can’t easily pierce the rind with your fingernail, it's best to wait until the vines die back to harvest.
Now is also a good time to look at all the different types of winter squash in the market. Here are some types beyond butternut and acorn squash.
This squash is big enough for a dinner and has yellow, creamy flesh.
Spaghetti squash
It’s a large squash and with stringy, spaghetti-like flesh.
Long Island Cheese
Like the name suggests, it’s a round, ribbed, tan colored squash with a sweet and savory flesh.