This week, we talk about dating etiquette, answering this question from a listener:
"Recently, I’d been on a few dates with a girl that I liked but by the fourth date she seemed unwilling to discuss anything but work. I was on the fence about asking her out for a fifth date and my friend suggested I wait for her to contact me first. Was this bad etiquette?
Two weeks after our last date she asked me out for an event that was that night. I didn’t appreciate being asked out the day of because it made me feel like I was her last minute date to the event, but I told myself I’d give it one last shot so I accepted. A few hours later, she asked me if I wanted to meet her at the theater 45 minutes before the event which was a screening. I told her that would work and I’d be willing to pick her up as well. She then informed me we would have to take separate cars because she had plans afterwards.
The combination of being asked out the day of and being told there was a very specific timeline for the time we would spend together, especially at a screening which did not promote conversation, making it not a great date to begin with, made me really put off and I canceled without giving her a reason. Was this poor etiquette on my part? If so, what’s the proper way to address this issue?"