This week, we talk about the proper etiquette of breastfeeding in public, answering this question from a listener:
"During a recent birthday party for a close friend of mine, one of the guests started breastfeeding her baby in front of the other guests. The party was held in my friend's house and the majority of the guests were in the living room, when the mom, who was situated in the middle of the room, started feeding her baby. The woman didn't use a nursing cover or cloth and as a result, most of the guests in the room saw her breast when she took it out.
"Some in the group felt like it was inappropriate behavior for her to breastfeed without a cover. Others mentioned that the mother shouldn't be shamed into using a cover, as often times the babies don't like it and suggested the process is easy without one.
"As a young woman who plans to have children one day, I would love to know, what is the proper etiquette for breastfeeding at a party?"
*This segment was published online only. The full audio of this segment from the full-length Awesome Etiquette podcast is available here.