Emily Weatherill is a junior at The Sharon Academy. She wrote this poem at the Young Writers Project’s Celebration of Writing last fall with Vermont slam poet champion Geof Hewitt.
This is a Dream
By Emily Weatherill
Grade 11, The Sharon Academy
This is a dream;
I'll do what I please.
If I want,
I can ride monkeys made of
ice cream,
and they won't melt,
because this is a dream,
and I'll do what I please.
I can climb the tallest tree,
made of electricity,
and I won't die
or get shocked,
because this is a dream.
I can kill the milkman,
or kiss the bus driver
(a woman, two feet tall),
or eat the bus or
all the paper in the world,
because this is a dream,
and I'll do what I please.
I can climb over all the mountains,
stacked into one,
in only one minute,
and I can
shovel jelly beans
out of a giant's ear,
and suck on each one
until they turn into milk,
because this is a dream,
and I'll do what I please.
I can play hop-scotch with
the school bullies,
and if they're mean,
I can bite their arms off.
I can build a house,
and tear it down again
with a crane made of water,
because this is a dream,
and I'll do what I please.
I can hold you,
even though you're gone.
I can hold you for forever,
because this is a dream,
and I will do what I please.