This week, we answer a question about proper etiquette on how long to stay at an overwhelming event, answering this question from a listener:
"Increasingly among my peer group, get-togethers have taken the form of casual potlucks and drop-by events, rather than a sit down dinner party or a gathering with a central focus or activity. For introverts like myself, a room filled with people milling around, socializing without a plan to sit down together in a more intimate setting, like the dinner table, can be a little anxiety inducing."
"After a couple of hours of circulating around a bustling scene like this, I feel fairly over-stimulated and overwhelmed. At the same time, I don't want to appear rude by leaving the gathering too early before reaching that point. What is an appropriate amount of time to spend at these gatherings without seeming hasty? Is it rude to stop by just for one hour?"