What is the proper etiquette for waiting in line behind someone buying personal items at the drugstore? Especially in a small town, or even a small college town, this can be an awkward situation.
In this week’s show, hosts Daniel Post Senning and Lizzie Post answer this question from a listener:
“I am a male university faculty member and I occasionally find myself at the local drugstore checkout directly behind a woman, often an undergrad, waiting to purchase a rather personal item. For the sake of her privacy, I usually develop a brief but intense interest in the current Cosmo magazine, or my phone or whatever, but sometimes it's clear that I’ve seen what she’s buying and she’s obviously uncomfortable.”
“It seems like these situations fall into three categories based on the type of acquaintance with the other person: one, we are complete strangers. Two, she is in my large lecture course, so she has recognized me but may doubt whether I recognize her or not. Three, we recognize each other fully … any thoughts on how to handle these situations?”