A bill mandating that businesses offer their workers paid days off for illnesses or emergencies is alive again at the Statehouse, but in a watered-down state.
But does providing paid sick days make smart business sense and is it a benefit to the community at large? Or is it an onerous demand on small businesses that can easily be abused?
Michelle Fay, director of the Vermont Paid Sick Days Campaign, and William Driscoll, Associated Industries of Vermont vice president debate the merits of the bill.
Also on the program, we speak with Elizabeth Ready, director of the John Graham Shelter in Vergennes, about the challenges homeless Vermonters are facing. The warmer weather removes the very real danger of freezing to death, but just because they're not cold doesn't mean they're safe. Ready explains that the pressure on shelters like hers go up when the temporary warming shelters close at the end of winter, and some families and others do turn to camping. Ready shares her thoughts on how to improve the situation for people facing homelessness in Vermont.
Broadcast live on Monday, April 20, 2015 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.