Musician Peg Tassey of Plainfield suggested Vermont super group Magic City at the Haybarn at Goddard College on Friday, April 17th at 8 p.m.
Musician Jimmy Eichelberger of East Fairfield suggested the opening weekend of the Vermont Treasures concert series, next Friday and Saturday, April 24th and 25th at the Vermont Meeting House on the green in East Fairfield.
Lynne Woodard of Calais recommended Martin and Eliza Carthy in a concert of British traditional music on Saturday, April 18th at the All Souls Interfaith Gathering on Bostwick Road in Shelburne.
Adina Panitch of Williston, Judy Alexander of South Burlington and budding playwright Nancy Sugarman all recommended the international Jewish Plays Project on Sunday, April 19th at 2 p.m. and Monday, April 20th at 7 p.m. at Temple Sinai in South Burlington.
Support for Arts Hounds comes from The Vermont Arts Council celebrating 50 years of public funding for the arts with Vermont Arts 2015.
Art Hounds on VPR is adapted from Minnesota Public Radio News and is powered by The Public Insight Network. Our theme music was written and performed by Trio Gusto.