One of Governor Shumlin's proposed budget cuts calls for the closure of two of the four state-run public safety answering points. These are the centers that handle emergency calls.
By closing the Derby and Rutland centers and consolidating them with PSAPs in Williston and Rockingham, the state hopes to save $1.7 million annually.
Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn, Dispatcher Trish Bennett and Bob Schlachter, president of Rutland County Fire Mutual Aid, discuss the proposed closings.
Also on the program, Vermont's hydropower connection with Quebec got cemented in the 1980s during the administration of Governor Dick Snelling. Richard Watts, director of the Center for Research on Vermont, discusses the Power from the North conference being held this week and the future of this energy relationship.
Broadcast live on Monday, March 23, 2015, at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.