Vermont ranks second in the country in child well being. That’s according to the most-recent Kids Count Data Book, which is published annually by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The state is among the top 10 in all four of the ranked categories – economic well-being, education, health, and family and community.
Voices for Vermont’s Children Research Associate Sarah Teel and Marianne Miller, Head Start and Early Head Start director for Capstone Community Action Council, discuss the report’s findings and look at areas of well-being that still have children’s advocates concerned.
Also on the program, there is a distinct possibility in the next session that the State Legislature will be discussing a bill to legalize marijuana. We hear from Beau Kilmer, senior policy researcher at the Rand Corporation, who is working on a report looking at all the issues surrounding legalization.
Broadcast live on Friday, July 25 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.