There may still be snow on the ground in Vermont, but thank goodness that won't stop the start of baseball season. The Red Sox are trying to become the first club since the 1999-2000 Yankees to repeat as back-to-back World Series Champs. And the re-fashioned Yankees look to captain Derek Jeter to see what his final year of baseball will bring. Jeter announced his decision to retire after the 2014 season on his Facebook page in February.
Host Bob Kinzel talks with VPR’sRicCengeri, Burlington Representative Kurt Wright, and Times-Argus sports editor Anna Grearson, about the prospects for both teams and the season ahead.
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We'll also learn about the history of the spitball with Lyndon State historian Paul Searls. Spitter, mud ball, shine ball, supersinker, vaseline ball, whatever you call it, this now illegal pitch has a fascinating trajectory in the history of the sport.
Broadcast live on Monday, March 31st at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.