Inspiration Comes with Rain
by Ada Case
Grade Seven, Edmunds Middle School
For me, inspiration comes with rain, all sealed up in the thin, shimmery skin of each drop, then spraying, exploding, out of the millions of delicate encasements. I love the smell right before a storm, lingering, waiting for the clouds to reach breaking point, a deluge hovering right around the corner. The unpredictability of it... Will there be thunder tolling out the seconds? Or will it be barely a drizzle, only a few drops here and there, just enough to be vaguely annoying. Or, sometimes, it comes down so hard, it literally looks like sheets of water are falling from the sky, each droplet bouncing off the already-soaking pavement and creating rivers in the streets. Rain makes me want to dance barefoot in the middle of the street, and not care if my clothes get wet, and just feel like a little kid again. To feel like everything is okay. Rain makes me want to write.
Learn more about the Young Writers Project's "Anthology 5"