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At this year's VPR's annual Commentators Brunch event for our Broadcasters Club members, VPR commentators gave brief readings on the common theme, "Lost And Found". This prompted some to reflect on surprising discoveries and others to consider missed opportunities and times past.The Commentators Brunch events are popular with staff, commentators, listeners, and guests; audiences average around 200 people. The voices and perspectives heard at the Brunch are both diverse and entertaining.Listen to the Commentators Brunch readings here.During the holidays, VPR will air The 2013 Commentator Brunch Sampler beginning Sunday, 12/29/2013 at 10:55am and continuing during Morning Edition and All Things Considered from 12/30/2013 through 12/14 at 7:55am and 5:55pm.This year's event was held at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes on Saturday, June 15.Check back here for more of these commentaries as the week unfolds.

2013 Brunch Sampler: Madeleine Kunin

I rummaged through the Lost and Found box in the gym. It smells of old sneakers, unwashed socks, faded shorts. Could I find my bathing suit here? Perhaps, if I dig deep enough.

But no amount of searching through other people’s losses will give me what I am looking for - a box that would hold the people, places, names and dates that I have lost from year to year.

I lost my brother last December. He’s gone. I know well enough not to try to find him in the flesh, and yet he appears to me in thoughts. He comes from around the corner when I least expect him. We sometimes have conversations, though I do most of the talking. I want to tell him things and he listens.

I lose words, more and more often. What was the name of that author whose book I just read? Where did she go? I swore I would remember her. I was about to recommend her to my friends, and then, whoosh, she’s gone

And what about the year we went to Egypt. Excuse me. I have to think. That lapse may be normal - it was a while ago. But why do I have to concentrate to recall the precise years when each of my four children were born? I remember the birth pains when their heads first appeared. And then the euphoria. I would have thought that the year would be emblazoned in my mind forever.

Look over here. Here’s someone I know. What, oh what, is his name? How embarrassing when I find myself faking it by effusively saying “How are YOU?

That filigree silver pin, with the beautiful, sunlit stone that I received from my beloved Aunt Berthe. I lost it in the railroad station in Switzerland. I mourn its absence still.

How can I find what I’m looking for? Memory, memory is found at the bottom of the box. I hold on to it with all my might.

Madeleine May Kunin is a former governor of Vermont, and author of "The New Feminist Agenda, Defining the Next Revolution for Women, Work and Family," published by Chelsea Green.
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