Sunday, November 10, 2013 10:45 a.m. A community of localvores in the Mad River Valley has found a way to share the bounty of their gardens and kitchens. They bring their pickles, jams, soups, breads and other home-made foods to a swap. It's like a cookie swap - but bigger - and a boon for people whose pantries runneth over.
Melissa Passanen, who writes for the Burlington Free Press, tells us about the swap she visited. You can read Melissa's article and see a video of the Waterbury food swap at the Free Press online, and learn more about how a food swap works at The Food Swap Network. You'll also find The Vermont Food Swap on Facebook.
The VPR Cafe is produced in collaboration with The Burlington Free Press and made possible on VPR by J.K. Adams in Dorset, Vermont and Vermont made woodenware for the kitchen and home