Mon 9/30/13 Noon & 7PM Do the books, stories, and movies consumed when we're young affect our behaviors and attitudes as we grow older? If so, how do celebrated stories like Star Wars or Harry Potter affect the values and morals of a generation? That's the question UVM professor Jack Gierzynski set out to answer in his new book Harry Potter and the Millennials: Research Methods and the Politics of the Muggle Generation.
We'll talk to Gierzynski and to Scott Keeter, Director of Survey Research at the Pew Research Center in Washington D.C., about the politics and attitudes of the Millennial generation.
Also in the program, we'll survey just a few of the tech projects being created by Vermont app developers. David Bradbury of the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies talks to us about apps that connect people to the great outdoors, and to their own health data. VCET was recently named one of the 11 best tech incubators in the world by UBI.