Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 7 p.m. The angle of the light is changing, and, even though it's hard to relate after such a hot and humid summer, some are getting a bit nostalgic for this fading summer...We look forward to harvest festivals (including the wonderful Shelburne Orchards Small Farms Festival next weekend) and travel from the New Zealand gold rush to Eastern Europe in the meantime!
Please note: This program will air on Sunday September 8th from 7:00-10:00pm
This week's calendar events:
"Alan Greenleaf and the Doctor" will be appearing at "Positive Pie" in Hardwick, Vt. on Saturday, Sept. 14th, from 8-11 PM
The Good times Café in Hinesburg presents songwriter Malcolm Holcombe on Wednesday September 11th at 8:30pm
Tim Jennings and Leanne Ponder will perform the Vampire Princess, their new story, on Friday the 13th of September, in Burlington's North End Studio B.
Patti Casey and Tom McKenzie will be performing as "Shady Rill," for the Burnham Music Series at Burnham Hall in Lincoln, on Saturday, September 14th at 7:30 p.m.
The Small Farms Food Festival will take place at Shelburne Orchards on Sunday September 15th, and will feature Francesca Blanchard, Red Hot Juba, and the Tin Pan Valentinos.
Tim Eriksen & Trio de Pumpkintown will perform on Friday, September 13 @ 8:00 PM at Café Lena in Saratoga Springs, NY
Also at the Cafe Lena, Anne Hills & Priscilla Herdman will perform on Saturday, September 14 @ 8:00 PM
Anne & Priscilla will also be at the Whallonsburg, NY grange hall on Sunday September 15th at 7:00pm.
Jean-Jacques Psaute and his group Deja Nous will perform at the FlynnSpace in Burlington on 09/14 at 8 PM