Thurs 5/9/13 Noon & 7 p.m. Over 6 million women in the US have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. As more couples wait until they're older to have children, age-related fertility problems are increasing.
But going to the doctor for help with making a baby can be a trying experience- both physically and emotionally. We’ll talk about that emotional side today. Post your comments or share your stories here or email them to
We’ll hear from psychiatrist Dr. Judith Gerber, from Fletcher Allen Colchester Family Practice, and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Christine Murray, Associate Professor at University of Vermont College of Medicine.
Dr. Gerber recommended the infertility support group RESOLVE.
Also on the program, Middlebury College artist-in-residence Francois Clemmons is retiring at the end of this academic year. Before coming to Middlebury in 1997, Clemmons was a tenor with the Metropolitan Opera Studio and appeared regularly on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. This Friday he will give a final solo concert before retiring and we'll hear from him today.