Rich Nadworny
CommentatorRich Nadworny is a designer who resides in Burlington and Stockholm.
This November's midterm elections have energized a lot of people. But it’s a fact that midterm elections are generally not very popular. According to the…
China has stopped importing foreign garbage – and that’s caused problems in places like Oregon, Washington and Alaska. They’ve been shipping their…
When Governor Phil Scott made his last minute Hail Mary pass to the legislature with a proposal to move local teachers’ insurance to the state level, his…
For about an hour, I was one of 30 audience members sitting in a ring on the Main Stage of Burlington’s Flynn Center while four strong, agile and graceful…
If you’re trying to come up with that Next Big Thing you should know that the U.S. Patents and Trademark Office will only award a patent if it includes an…
There’s an interesting debate happening here in Vermont and elsewhere on what the label “Organic” actually means. Hydroponic growers want to mark their…
Welcome back to the never-ending debate on the cost of educating our children. Montpelier urges citizens not to spend any more money on education, school…
For a while now I’ve been harping on the need for state agencies to improve delivery of services through technology and digital channels. Over the years…
I’ve attended a number of events recently dealing with Vermont business or entrepreneurship or growth. Governor Scott, like most governors before him,…
I was looking for a hopeful story to start the New Year, when I stumbled across a program called Health Care Shares at a community meeting at the UVM…