Katie Titterton
CommentatorKatie Titterton is a freelance writer and communications consultant in Richmond.
It’s not uncommon for my infant son to get handed around a boardroom table. I’m self-employed and work from home, so I usually schlep him along to…
Pelvic health is a critical, and underappreciated, component of women’s health. But the pelvis - where our organs of sexuality, procreation, digestion,…
My mother, Mary Broderick, served on my Connecticut hometown’s Board of Education for years, eventually serving at the state and national level. It was…
When I had my first child three years ago, I thought becoming a parent was the most optimistic thing I’d ever done. But now that I’m only a few weeks away…
In spite of the spending and doping scandals and political maneuvers, I love the Olympics. Mostly because as a kid, the Olympics helped me see what it…
Many nonprofit organizations exist to bridge the gap between what government provides its citizens and what citizens really need. So, as our government…
I’m what they call a “woman of childbearing age,” which means that every day, my ability and choice to or not to procreate is on my mind. So when the…
Anyone who spends time in the woods knows that the tick check has become routine - as habitual as applying sunscreen or buckling up a seatbelt.We examine…
My husband and I are building our second outdoor pizza oven. Our first one collapsed due to our terrible engineering skills, but this one will be solid.…
I recently attended my friend Hemant’s naturalization ceremony in a courthouse in Burlington. He and his wife became American citizens that day.Hemant had…