David Moats
CommentatorDavid Moats is an author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.
Most Vermonters know by now that ours is the second oldest population of all the states — after Maine's — and the need to keep young people here and…
Nobody knows what’s going to happen in next year's election, but that hasn't stopped people from trying to predict an unpredictable future. We all have…
A friend of mine came across some old film recently showing street scenes of Rutland in 1941, and it’s a revealing trip back in time. The Rutland Lions…
Gender roles in politics usually get discussed in relation to women and the pressure they face always to be nice and unthreatening — competent, but not…
In Vermont, candidates depend less on television to establish themselves in the minds of voters. Here we’re more likely to meet them in person and to size…
The other day I came across a pamphlet published by the Ford Motor Company in 1954 with little essays describing tours you could take on the roads of New…
The start of a new year is a marker causing us to think about where we are in a life span that may end up giving us 70, or 80, or 90 years. I remember…
Nobody knows the future, but in times of uncertainty like these, what we don’t know feels like an expanding universe of dire possibilities.Consider the…
There’s a political cliche, frequently repeated, that’s creating the wrong picture of our country.Following this year’s elections, we’ve heard that our…
With Democrats in the House and Republicans in the Senate digging in for political battles to come, you can sense there’s history happening.It feels a…