Casey McDermott

Casey McDermott is an online reporter covering politics, policy, and New Hampshire news. She also works on digital reporting projects for NHPR's newsroom.
Prior to joining NHPR, Casey worked at The Concord Monitor, and held internships at Pro Publica and the Student Press Law Association. While attending college at Penn State, Casey was recognized nationally for her writing and editorial work as Editor in Chief of the school's newspaper, The Collegian, during the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
The bill would give most New Hampshire tenants facing eviction due to repairs, renovations or a property sale more time to find a new place.
Newly released numbers obtained by NHPR offer a never-before-seen snapshot of what kind of outbreaks the state was monitoring across all work and community settings during the first 18 months of the pandemic.
If you're facing eviction in New Hampshire, you can get help, even after the CDC's ban expires. Housing assistance in New Hampshire is available from a variety of sources.
A new report from New Hampshire Housing paints a bleak picture of the state’s rental market: Prices are high, inventory is low and competition is intense.
Seven Republican lawmakers were reprimanded on the floor of the New Hampshire House Thursday for not completing newly mandatory anti-harassment and...
Some worry that New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner's office was too slow to acknowledge the scale of the election security problem and focused on addressing the wrong challenges.
The implications of New Hampshire’s new residency law for voting and vehicle licensing are still not fully clear, several months after it went into...
The state's legislative leaders say the blending of public and private interests that is common among lawmakers of all ranks is a strength, not a weakness.
Since 1960, citizens in a tiny New Hampshire hamlet have gathered at midnight to cast the first official ballots in the presidential race under the gaze of TV cameras.
New Hampshire politicians on both sides of the aisle were quick to condemn comments President Trump reportedly made during a conversation with the...