Bram Kleppner
CommentatorBram Kleppner is CEO of Danforth Pewter, Board Chair at the Population Media Center, and Co-Chair of Vermont's Medicaid & Exchange Advisory Board. His mission is to take steps large and small to fight global warming and to bring the world's population into balance with its renewable resources.
About 30% of Vermont voters chose Donald Trump, and the other 70% are working their way through various levels of disappointment, shock, horror and…
Summer is supposed to be a relaxed time of cookouts and softball games, but these days, it feels as if life doesn’t slow down even one little bit for…
Whether you chose not to work full-time while you were raising your children, or whether you were forced out of the full-time workforce by the crisis in…
Here in Vermont, the fact that the radar on self-driving cars can see what’s going on 30 cars in front of you in a giant traffic jam is less important…
This may come as a shock, but Vermont is not perfect. Oh, it may be perfect for some people, but there are at least nine reasons why it’s not perfect for…
My divorce was painful. A year later I tried to date, and I was still a mess.Another year passed, and one afternoon, I was driving home to Burlington…
If you live on the US side of the border, here’s some advice: never buy a used car in Quebec. Don’t get me wrong: I love Quebec, and I’ve done business…
At this year's VPR's annual Commentators Brunch event for our Broadcasters Club members, VPR commentators gave brief readings on the common theme, "Lost…
- Commentator and socially responsible Burlington business man Bram Kleppner…
- For socially responsible Burlington businessman and commentator Bram Kleppner, a…