Learn what no-dig gardening is all about and how it's much less work for you and good for the planet!
JoinCharlie Nardozzi, and his friends Kim Dostaler fromGardener’s Supply Companyand Carolina Lukac from theVermont Community Garden Network, on April 11th at 4 p.m. as we define, discuss and most importantly, show you the hows and why of no-dig gardening. No-dig or no till is a simple technique where we preserve the soil microbes and soil structure by not disturbing the ground at all. Instead of digging we layer organic materials on the soil, mimicking what happens in nature. The results are a soil rich in nutrients, healthier plants, fewer weeds, a healthy ecosystem of microbes and is less work for you. We'll discuss the various types of no-dig showing images and videos of how to create the beds. We'll also discuss various planting schemes, such as polyculture, and some tips and tricks for using cover crops and fall maintenance.
This event is sponsored byAARP Vermont.
Virtual Event FAQ
So how exactly does this work?
First things first - start by registering here! The link to the event will be in your confirmation email under the Additional Information section. You’ll get an event reminder 24 hours in advance. Then at 2:00 p.m. on April 11th we’ll send you the link again to watch the live stream on YouTube.
How much does it cost to take part?
Admission is by donation. We hope you will contribute whatever amount works for you. Your donation will help cover the costs of presenting the event. Thank you!
Will other attendees be able to see or hear me?
No, you and all of our attendees will only be able to see the host and the guests. You will be able to ask questions or make comments.
On what platform will the event take place?
This will be a live webinar on YouTube, it will not be broadcast.
Will I have to use Zoom or any other video conferencing?
No, this is a live stream that you will watch on YouTube. To make a comment or ask a question during the event, you will need to be logged into a Google account.
Charlie Nardozzi is a nationally recognized garden writer, radio and TV show host, consultant, and speaker. Charlie is the host of All Things Gardening on Sunday mornings at 9:35 during Weekend Edition on VPR. Check out Charlie's website,Gardening with Charlie Nardozzi.
Kim Dostaler is an artist and designer that likes to go off the beaten path. Having never gardened before, she started no-dig gardening avidly after earning her Permaculture Design Certification in 2013. She and her husband designed and built their own tiny house and are on their way to transforming their open, one acre lot in the islands of Lake Champlain, Vermont, into a food forest and homestead. You can follow their tiny house life, permaculture explorations, cooking, and giant cat Murray on Instagram at@alternativeacre
For the past 15 years,Carolina Lukac has combined her passion for growing nourishing food with opportunities to facilitate hands-on learning experiences for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. She currently works as the Garden Education Manager with theVermont Community Garden Network to coordinate programming at numerous community-based gardens, including senior residences, parent-child centers, affordable housing sites, and at an allotment style farm for New Americans. Her work is rooted in food sovereignty and empowering individuals to grow their own food for themselves and their community.