Join VPR Statehouse Reporters Bob Kinzel and Pete Hirschfeld for a deep dive into the politics and issues of 2016, Thursday, November 5 in Montpelier.
The 2016 campaign season is promising to be an exciting ride on both the national and state level – and the Vermont Legislature will be tackling some important issues. Join Bob Kinzel and Pete Hirschfeld for an open discussion about the politics of 2016. They’ll comb through the people and issues that will help shape Vermont into the future. Bring your tough questions, insights and ideas. We'll roll up our sleeves and dig deep together!
The event is Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza Hotel’s Montpelier Room, located just off the main lobby. We’ll have a cash bar and hors d'oeuvres available.
The event is free but space is limited. Please reserve your seat here.
Hope to see you there!