Is the risk of serious injury tempered by the love of sport, the desire to compete and win, and the potential scholastic benefits of being involved in team sports? What are the stresses young athletes contend with as they try to maintain grades and excel at their sport? And is Vermont doing enough, along with its schools, to protect these developing minds and bodies?
On Thursday, October 1, 2015, VPR's Morning Edition Host Mitch Wertlieb hosted a dynamic panel discussion tackling the topic of risks and rewards faced by high school and college level athletes. This free, public event was held at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury this discussion included local experts Erin Quinn, Director of Athletics at Middlebury College; Sean Farrell, Athletic Director at Middlebury Union High School; Dr. Matt Gammons, sports injury specialist at Vermont Orthopedic Clinic in Rutland and a member of the 2013 Vermont Concussion Task Force; John and Sheila Stawinski, owners of Fit2Excel in Essex and specialists in injury rehabilitation and sports psychology, respectively, as well as Wendy Leeds, varsity girls' soccer coach, and Kelsey Smith, captain of the girls' soccer team, both from MUHS.
UPDATE 10/12/15: This post was edited after the event, notably with the addition of the audio and picture.