It is a well-documented fact that Morning Edition Host Mitch Wertlieb sometimes makes promises during membership drives that he wishes he hadn't.
Like the time he and Jane Lindholm made a Call Me Maybe video.
Or the time he recorded a funky rap that some listeners wrote in VPR's honor.
And the time we did pushups for pledges.
And the shower scene.
Last Thursday, Mitch and Jonathan Butler were discussing VPR's 35-year history when Mitch mentioned that when he had big hair at his senior prom in 1984, VPR was already on the air, bringing essential news, music, and conversation to the people of Vermont.
We all know what happens next. Fundraising Mitch can be like a freight train. He cannot be stopped.
As if on cue, he promised to share a photo of him and his big 80's hair if we made that morning's goal. As you can see, we met the challenge. He is a man of his word.
Mitch's pledge drive shenanigans have become something of a running gag around VPR, but you really have to hand it to a guy whose enthusiasm for public radio and the importance of listener support is so intense that he just can't keep it in. We don't know what Mitch will think of next but we hope you'll join him in supporting VPR by making a contribution today online, or by calling 1-800-639-6391.