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“They kept talking about healing, they kept using that word ‘heal.’ But I wondered — I thought I knew what it meant, but I don’t think I know what it means. Because how do you heal from something like that?” - Beverly Little Thunder
Photo: Beverly Little Thunder
Graphic: Elodie Reed
In this episode, Vermont Public reporter Elodie Reed joins Huntington, Vermont resident and Lakota elder Beverly Little Thunder and her daughter, Lushanya Echeverria, at the movies. Together they watch the documentary Sugarcane, about the horrific history and intergenerational trauma of residential or boarding schools.

Homegoings: A righteous space for art and race.

Homegoings is a: Podcast, TV show, and event-series where no topic is off the table, and there’s no such thing as going too deep. Host and musician Myra Flynn brings you candid conversations about race with artists, experts and regular folks all over the country about their literal skin in the game — of everyday life.

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Meet Myra

Myra Flynn joined Vermont Public as an engagement producer in March 2021. Raised in Vermont, Myra is an accomplished musician who has come to know the lay of dirt-road land that much more intimately through touring both well-known and obscure stages all around the state and beyond. She also has experience as a teaching artist and wore many hats at the Burlington Free Press, including features reporter and correspondent, before her pursuits took her deep into the arts world. Prior to joining Vermont Public, Myra spent eight years in the Los Angeles music industry. Check out more stories from Myra.

Homegoings is a project of Vermont Public.

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