The sale of the Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times Argus has been finalized. The papers were purchased by Reade Brower and Chip Harris.
The sale was first announced August after the financial struggles of the papers that included the failure to pay some staff, which was brought to light in an article in the Herald.
The Mitchell family has owned the Rutland Herald since 1947. It became involved in the ownership of Times Argus in 1964.
Brower is the majority owner of the company which publishes the Portland Press Herald and Maine Sunday Telegram as well as papers in Augusta, Waterville and Bath, Maine.
Harris is CEO of Upper Valley Press in N. Haverhill, New Hampshire, a printing and direct mail company.
Harris says they want to maintain the high-quality, local journalism of the papers.
Harris declined to name the price he and Brower paid for the papers.
The purchase does not include the Rutland Herald building.