If you're looking for something else to do while watching or listening to tonight's 90-minute vice presidential debate, there's always debate bingo.
As they did with last week's presidential debate, our friends at WNYC are back with their version of the fill-in-your-card game. You can generate multiple cards at WNYC's "It's A Free Country" politics blog, "and tweet out when you've got a winner. Got beef with what constitutes a bingo tile? Come chat it out or hash it out at #debatebingo."
Southern California Public Radio also has its own "Take Two" bingo game that features buzz words — like "fiscal cliff" and "job killer" — that might be brought up by Vice President Joe Biden and his Republican challenger, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.
This version encourages you to print out tiles and play at home. Some tiles are more subjective than others, such as "candidates accuse each other of being divisive," or "you're more confused after Medicare conversation than before."
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